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Barmore, William J. 1987. The distribution and abundance of ungulates in the Northern Yellowstone ecosystem in pristine times and today. Presented at Greater Yellowstone Coalition’s Scientific Conference on the Northern Yellowstone: Issues and Alternatives for Ecosystem Management. Lake Hotel, Yellowstone National Park.Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T21:05:57+00:00
Brunner, Ronald and Clark, T. 1997. A Practice-Based Approach to Ecosystem Management. Conservation Biology. 11 (1): 48-58.Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T21:07:33+00:00
Burroughs, Richard and Clark, Tim. 1995. Ecosystem Management: A Comparison of Greater Yellowstone and Georges Bank. Environmental Management. 19 (5): 649-663.Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T21:08:32+00:00
Byrd, Kimberly. 2002. Mirrors and metaphors: contemporary narratives of the wolf in Minnesota. Ethics, Place, and Environment. 5(1): 50-65Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T21:09:22+00:00
Cherney, David 2011. Securing the free movement of wildlife: lessons from the American West’s longest land mammal migration.Environmental Law. 41:599-617.Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T20:55:29+00:00
Cherney, David and Clark, Susan. 2008. The American West’s longest mammal migration: clarifying & securing the common interest. Policy Sci. 42 (2): 95-111.Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T21:11:29+00:00
Clark, Susan; et al. 2010. Large Scale Conservation: Integrating Science, Management, and Policy in the Common Interest. Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Publication Series.Mark Ollenburger2021-03-29T21:12:17+00:00
Clark, Tim & Wallace, Richard. 1999. The professional in endangered species conservation: an introduction to standpoint clarification. Endangered Species Update. 16(1): 9-13.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:54:53+00:00
Clark, Tim and Brunner, Ronald. 1996. Making partnerships work in endangered species conservation: an introduction to the decision process. Endangered Species Update. 13(9): 1-5.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:54:41+00:00
Clark, Tim and Cragun, John. 1991. Organization and Management of Endangered Species Programs. Endangered Species Update. 8(8): 1-4.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:53:16+00:00
Clark, Tim and Harvey, Ann. 1989. Rare, Sensitive, and Threatened Species of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative. Montana Natural Heritage Program, The Nature Conservancy – Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Field Offices, & Mountain West Environmental Services.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:52:26+00:00
Clark, Tim and Kellert, Stephen. 1988. Towards a Policy Paradigm of the Wildlife Sciences. Renewable Resources Journal. Winter 1988: 7-16.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:51:37+00:00
Clark, Tim and Westrum, Ron. 1989. High performance teams in wildlife conservation: a species reintroduction and recovery example. Environmental Management. 13(6): 663-670Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:52:56+00:00
Clark, Tim and Zaunbrecher, Dusty. 1987. The Greater Yellowstone ecosystem: the ecosystem concept in natural resource policy & management. Renewable Resources Journal. Summer: 8-16.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:52:02+00:00
Clark, Tim, et al. 1992. Conserving Biodiversity in the Real World: Professional Practice Using a Policy Orientation. Endangered Species Update. 9(5-6): 5-8.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:53:42+00:00
Clark, Tim; Amato, E.; Whittemore, D. and Harvey, A. 1991. Policy and programs for ecosystem management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: an analysis. Conservation Biology. 5(1): 412-422.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:53:25+00:00
Clark, Tim; Backhouse, G. and Lacy, R. 1990. The population viability assessment workshop: a tool for threatened species management. Endangered Species Update. 8(2): 1-5.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:53:05+00:00
Clark, Tim; Curlee, A.P. and Reading, R. 1996. Crafting effective solutions to the large carnivore conservation problem. Conservation Biology. 10(4): 940-948.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:54:32+00:00
Clark, Tim; et al. 2000. Koala conservation policy process: appraisal and recommendations. Conservation Biology.14(3):681-690.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:55:22+00:00
Clark, Tim; Gibbs, J. and Goldstraw, P. 1995. Some demographics of the extirpation from the wild if the Eastern Barred Bandicoot. Wildlife Research. 22:1-9.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:54:13+00:00
Clark, Tim; Mattson, D.; Reading, R. and Miller, B. 2001. Interdisciplinary problem solving in carnivore conservation: an introduction. pp. 223-240. Ed. by J. Gittleman, et al. Carnivore Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:55:51+00:00
Clark, Tim; Reading, R. and Backhouse, G. 1995. Prototyping for successful conservation: the eastern-barred bandicoot program. Endangered Species Update. 12(10-11): 5-10.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:54:24+00:00
Clark, Tim; Reading, R. and Wallace, R. 1999. Research in endangered species conservation: an introduction to multiple methods. Endangered Species Update. 16(5):96-102.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:55:01+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1985. Organizing for Endangered Species Recovery. Presented at: Wildlife Management Directions in the NW through 1990. NW Section Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Missoula, Montana. April 2-5, 1985.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:51:46+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1985. Wyoming grizzly bears: 150 years of journal, oral history, and newspaper accounts. Presented at the Grizzly Bear Conference, Murie Audobon Society, Casper, WY.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:50:50+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1986. Case studies in wildlife policy education. Renewable Resources Journal. Autumn: 11-16.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:51:54+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1986. Learning as a strategy for improving endangered species conservation. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin Report. 13(1-2)Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:50:59+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1987. Black-footed ferret recovery: A progress report. Conservation Biology. 1(1): 8-11.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:51:18+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1987. Restoring balance between the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) and human use of the Great Plains and Intermountain West. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 77(4): 168-173.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:51:08+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1988. The world outside and the pictures in our heads: some thoughts on identity and images of wildlife professionals. Renewable Resources Journal. Summer.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:51:26+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1992. Practicing natural resource management with a policy orientation. Environmental Management. 16(4): 423-433.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:53:52+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1993. Creating and using knowledge for species and ecosystem conservation: science, organizations, and policy. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine. 36(3): 497-525.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:54:01+00:00
Clark, Tim. 1999. Interdisciplinary problem solving: next steps in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Policy Sciences. 32: 393-414.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:55:12+00:00
Clark, Tim. 2001. Developing policy-oriented curricula for conservation biology: professional and leadership education in the public interest. Conservation Biology. 15(1):31-39.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:55:41+00:00
Clark, Tim. and Westrum, Ron. 1987. Paradigms and ferrets. Social Studies of Science. 17(1): 3-33.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:52:19+00:00
Clark, Tim. Professional excellence in wildlife and natural resources organizations. Renewable Resources Journal.Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T18:50:40+00:00