

We are honored to offer the following awards. Each recipient demonstrates a unique commitment to the landscapes and wildlife of the GYE. Read the following tributes to learn more about the recipient’s career.

Craighead Conservation Award

Right out of high school, Doug worked with Erich Klinghammer at Wolf Park, Indiana and then went on to work on a summer wolf-moose project on Isle Royale with Rolf Peterson and on wolf projects in Northern Minnesota with Dave Mech...

Raynes Citizen Conservation Award

Since moving to Jackson Hole in the fall of 2015, Associate Director of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, Kate Gersh, tells us “Tim Griffith wasted no time seeking out volunteer opportunities related to citizen science and wildlife, especially bird-related research…

Lifetime Achievement Award

Joselin Matkins was a force of nature, unstoppable, unforgettable, a strong woman who moved mountains with the strength of her passion and intellect and the warmth of her smile and kindness to others. Joselin gave our region a lifetime of conservation achievement in a life...

Bert Raynes Tribute

Bert Raynes passed away on January 1, 2021. At 96, Bert spent many years as a naturalist, writer, leader and resident of Jackson Hole. This page is dedicated to remembering the legacy that Bert leaves behind in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Enjoy the following tributes to Bert from...

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