Charlotte Cadow Project Partner Charlotte is a Community Science Specialist with The Nature Conservancy and has worked with NRCC RA Trevor Bloom on such projects as Wildflower Watch and research including a project focused on determining how best to keep cheatgrass from becoming established after fi res or other disturbance. Before Read more...
Ben LaFance
nrcc@nrccooperative.org2025-01-05T20:31:33+00:00Ben LaFrance Project Partner Ben works for the National Park Service’s (NPS) Greater Yellowstone Network leading the amphibian, wetland, and water quality protocols for Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. He was an amphibian and wetland project coordinator for NRCC before joining NPS. Ben collaborates Read more...
Anna Reside
nrcc@nrccooperative.org2025-01-05T20:30:48+00:00Anna Reside Project Partner Anna is an aquatic ecologist and Masters student at Idaho State University. She has worked on national-scale biological monitoring assessments for fish communities and water quality status in states across the West. Anna’s research focuses on how changes to landscape scale processes like wildfire, avalanches, and debris Read more...
Ross Hinderer
Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T01:01:39+00:00Ross Hinderer Project Partner Ross Hinderer grew up in rural Ohio and moved west to pursue work as a biological technician on various projects across the Western U.S. and abroad. He’s studied reptiles, amphibians, birds, plants and mammals in places from Oregon, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Antarctica, and Montana. Ross’s interests Read more...
Donal O’Leary
Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T01:02:01+00:00Donal O’Leary Project Partner Donal O’Leary studies remote sensing of natural resources, computer automation of geoprocessing tasks, and modeling of ecosystem dynamics. Donal is collaborating with NRCC Research Associates Corinna Riginos and Trevor Bloom to better understand how climate variability drives plant phenology, and the cascading ecological effects that ensue. He Read more...
Carl Brown
Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T01:02:39+00:00Carl Brown Project Partner Carl Brown is a Master’s student conducting research on Black Rosy-Finches within the University of Wyoming’s Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Chalfoun Lab, Department of Zoology and Physiology. Black Rosy-Finches are one of North America’s highest elevation breeders for which breeding habitat is especially vulnerable to Read more...
Andrew Ray
Mark Ollenburger2021-04-10T01:03:06+00:00Andrew Ray Project Partner Andrew Ray is an Ecologist with the National Park Service. His work supports long-term amphibian and wetland monitoring in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and water quality monitoring throughout the region. His interest is in exploring how we can better integrate regional agency, NGO, and university Read more...